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"The Memoirs of
Madame Vigee LeBrun"

published by George Braziller, Inc.
(1903, 1989)
60 madison Ave
NY, NY 10010
English translation of "Souvenirs"
by Lionel Strachey
Introduction by John Russell
Library of Congress ISBN 0-8076-1221-9

This single volume version of Vigée Le Brun's autobiography is a captivating read.

This book in its entirety is included at this website

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"Vigée Le Brun
Masterpieces in Colour"

By Haldane MacFall
Illustrated with eight
reproductions in colour
London: T.C. & E.C. Jack, Ltd.
New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co.

This book in its entirety is included at this website

Masters in Art
A series of Illustrated Monographs

Madame Vigee Le Brun
Bates and Gould Company, Boston
Illustrated with 10
reproductions in colour
London: T.C. & E.C. Jack, Ltd.
New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co.

This Monograph in its entirety is included at this website

"Elisabeth Louise Vigee LeBrun"
1755 - 1842
Kimbell Art Museum
Fort Worth, Texas, 1982
Kimbell Exhibition Catalog
June 5 - August 8, 1982
Library of Congress Card Number
82-81554, ISBN 0-912 804-06-8

This book in its entirety is included at this website.

Memoirs of Countess Golovine:
A Lady At The Court of Catherine II

Translated from French by G.M.Fox-Davies
David Nutt, 57-59 Long Acre
London 1910

Reference Countess Golivina's portrait and story .

This book in its entirety is included at this website.

"The Art of Elisabeth Louise Vigee LeBrun"
Phd Thesis by Lucia Cardellini
University of Padova
Padova, Italy
This version is in Italian.
An english version is in the works. Lucia is one of the originators of this web site.

This book in its entirety is included at this website.

"The Art of Elisabeth Louise Vigee LeBrun"
Phd Thesis by Stephanie Hauschild
"The Memoirs of
Madame Vigee LeBrun"
published by Camden Press, Ltd, London. Indiana University 1989
English translation of "Souvenirs"
by Sian Evans
Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun
The Odyssey of an Artist in an Age of Revolution
by Gita May
Yale University Press. New Haven and London

The Sweetness of Life
A biography of Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun
by Angelica Goodden
published by Andre Deutsch Ltd
106 Great Russell Street
London WC1B 3LJ

An excellent biography on the artist!

Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun
A biography of Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun
by Genevieve Haroche-Bouzinac
published by Champion Editions, Paris and Geneva

Genevieve Haroche-Bouzinac is a professor at the University of Orleans and a specialist in 18th century history. Genevieve and has published many articles on Vigée Le Brun.

Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun
Souvenirs 1755-1842
by Genevieve Haroche-Bouzinac
published by Champion Editions, Paris and Geneva

Portrait Of Lisette
By Elisabeth Kyle
published by Thomas Nelson and Sons
New York, Toronto, Edinburgh
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 63-9630

This is an interesting historical novel based on the life of Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun. It begins in 1768 with the death of Vigée Le Brun's father and ends on October 6, 1789 as she flees France with her daughter. This book offers a well written insight into French life during the period preceding the French Revolution.

Mme. Vigée Le Brun
By Ines De Kertanguy Ines
Published by Perrin in French
348 pages. Found in a French bookshop ( FNAC ).
Mme. Vigée Le Brun
By Francois Pitt-Rivers
Published by Gallimard. Paris
Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun
By Gerrit Walczak
Published by Deutscher Kunstverlag Munchen Berlin
"The Exceptional Woman"
Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun and
the Cultural Politics of Art
by Mary D. Sheriff
Professor of art at the
University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
Published by
Univ of Chicago Press
(Chicago and London)

There are a few runs of 20 pages that contain information on the artist. Contains very little insight into the artist but alot of psycho babble. It does have an excellent list of source material on Vigée Le Brun in the appendix and a beautiful cover.


Helh, W.H. Vigee Lebrun, Her Life... London, c. 1910

Nolhac, Pierre De. Madame Vigee-Le Brun de la reine... Paris, c.1900

E. VIGéE-LE BRUN, Memorie di una ritrattista, introduzione di B. CRAVERI, Mursia 1990

L. NIKOLENKO, The Russian Portraits of Madame Vigée-Le Brun, in Gazette de Beaux-Arts Luglio-Agosto 1967, pp.91-120. The complete article is at this site.

CONSTANS, Un portrait de Catherine Vassilievna Skavronskaia par Madame Vigée-Lebrun, in Revue du Louvre 4-5 1967, pp. 265272

D. SUTTON, Russian Francophiles of the Dix-huitième, in Apollo CI 1975, pp. 420-427

M. ROLAND MICHEL et C. BINDA, Un portrait de Madame Du Barry, in Revue de l'Art 46 1979, pp. 40-45

G. GREEN, Le tele di Penelope, le donne e la pittura attraverso i secoli, (The Obstacle Race, 1979), Milano, Bompiani, 1980

P. ROSENBERG, A Drawing by Madame Vigée-Le Brun, Burlington Magazine 123, December 1981, pp. 739-741

J. BAILLIO, Identification de quelques portraits d'anonymes de Vigée Le Brun aux Etat-Unis, in Gazette des Beaux-Arts (November 1980): 157-168

J. BAILLIO, Quelques peintures réattribuées à Vigée Le Brun, in Gazette des Beaux-Arts 119 (January 1982): 13-26

J. BAILLIO, Vigée Le Brun and the Classical Practice of Imitation, Papers in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University, IV, 1988

Frances Borzello, Seeing Ourselves, Women's Self-Portraitsv (View Book Cover), London, Thames Hudson, 1998, pp.139-171

H.T. DOUWES DEKKER, Gli autoritratti di Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (1755-1842), in Antichità Viva 22, Luglio-Agosto 1983, pp. 31-35

W. CHADWICK, Women Art & Society (View Book Cover), London, Thames and Hudson, 1990, pp.147-164

W. SLATKIN, The Voices of Women Artists, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1993, pp.25-44

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